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Rescued Loggerhead Turtle comes to Birch Aquarium

A rescued Loggerhead sea turtle, "Jersey," which was treated in South Carolina is on a flight today to its new home at Birch Aquarium in San Diego.

The sea turtle was captured in September of 2013 at a cooling canal in New Jersey where power plant workers discovered that the turtle's rear flippers were paralyzed. The turtle was not in good condition since it is suffering from scoliosis. Its rear flippers were tucked in under its shell. According to South Carolina vets, the turtle would not survive if released in the wild. South Carolina Aquarium then started scouting for a place where the sea turtle could stay.

Birch Aquarium at Scripps, with its experienced husbandry team, volunteered to provide a home for the injured Loggerhead and secured the appropriate approvals from U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service. Through a fundraising campaign, more than $50,000 was raised by Birch Aquarium to support the housing and rehabilitative care of the turtle over the next year.

“To learn more about the specific health issues and husbandry needs of this special animal, two of our aquarists traveled to the South Carolina Aquarium to collaborate with their experts,” said Jenn Nero Moffatt, director of husbandry at Birch Aquarium. “Our team also ensured safe travel to San Diego—including a layover in Atlanta—with Delta Air Lines’ Pet First service. We are so excited that the turtle is now at La Jolla’s very own Birch Aquarium at Scripps.”

The turtle is currently behind the scenes at the aquarium, undergoing routine health and husbandry assessments in preparation for its move to its new habitat in the Hall of Fishes. By mid-January 2015, visitors to the aquarium should be able to see the turtle in its new home. “This turtle has already been through so much in its short life,” said Moffatt. “We look forward to giving it a comfortable and happy home and sharing the story of not only this turtle, but all sea turtles, with San Diego’s residents and visitors.”


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